虫草花│ Cordyceps Flower
产地│Origin:中国 │ China
储藏方法│Storage:存放于通风阴凉处,如预算较长时间食用,建议封好放入雪柜(0-8℃)储存 │ Store in cool and dry place, suggested to sealed and chilled at 0-8℃
什么是虫草花?│ What is this? :
虫草花不是花,是人工培养的虫草子实体,属于一种真菌 │ Cordycep flower is not technically a flower, it is a cultured cordycep fruiting body that is a fungus.
营养价值 │ Nutritional Value :
可用蟲草花來熬湯,滋潤喉嚨,利於肺氣腫和氣管炎;壯陽補腎,增強體力和精力,對於恢復頭腦清醒和提高記憶力有較好的作用 │ It helps to moisten the throat, and is beneficial for emphysema and bronchitis. Other benefits: improve cardiovascular disease, anti-aging, and helps reduce fatigue.
产地│Origin:中国 │ China
储藏方法│Storage:存放于通风阴凉处,如预算较长时间食用,建议封好放入雪柜(0-8℃)储存 │ Store in cool and dry place, suggested to sealed and chilled at 0-8℃
什么是虫草花?│ What is this? :
虫草花不是花,是人工培养的虫草子实体,属于一种真菌 │ Cordycep flower is not technically a flower, it is a cultured cordycep fruiting body that is a fungus.
营养价值 │ Nutritional Value :
可用蟲草花來熬湯,滋潤喉嚨,利於肺氣腫和氣管炎;壯陽補腎,增強體力和精力,對於恢復頭腦清醒和提高記憶力有較好的作用 │ It helps to moisten the throat, and is beneficial for emphysema and bronchitis. Other benefits: improve cardiovascular disease, anti-aging, and helps reduce fatigue.
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