原味鱿鱼片 │ Original Flavour Cuttlefish Slices
产地 │ Origin:马来西亚 │ Malaysia
储藏方法 │ Storage:存于通风阴凉处,如需较长时间食用,封好存于0-8℃雪柜最佳。│ Store in cool and dry place, suggested to sealed and chilled at 0-8℃.
产地 │ Origin:马来西亚 │ Malaysia
储藏方法 │ Storage:存于通风阴凉处,如需较长时间食用,封好存于0-8℃雪柜最佳。│ Store in cool and dry place, suggested to sealed and chilled at 0-8℃.
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