野生竹荪|Dried Wild Bamboo Fungus

野生竹荪 Dried Wild Bamboo Fungus
规格│Specification:野生竹荪 Dried Wild Bamboo Fungus
储藏方法│Storage:封好存于0-8℃ 冰柜最佳 Store in freezer 0-8℃

营养价值│Health Benefits: 竹笙含有丰富的氨基酸、维生素、无机盐等,具有滋补强脑、凝神健体的功效 Bamboo fungus is high in protein, low fat, and has 8 kinds of amino acids that human body needs

如何挑选竹笙?│How to choose?:竹笙以色泽浅黄 ; 勿选择颜色过于洁白的,有可能是经过硫磺熏 Bamboo Fungus's color is light yellow, don't choose the in too white, because it may be processed by sulphur smoked roast.