日本北海道干贝(SA)1等级 Hokkaido Dried Scallop (SA) Grade 1
产地│Origin:日本北海道 Japan Hokkaido
粒数│No of pieces:
- 100克21-29粒送红枣50克 │100g 21-29pcs Free Red Date 50g;
- 300克63-87粒送红枣150克│300g 63-87pcs Free Red Date 150g;
- 500克105-145粒送干贝或鲍鱼汁1瓶│500g 105-145pcs Free 1 bottle Scallop/ Abalone Sauce ("S/A Sauce");
储藏方法│Storage:存于通风阴凉处,如需较长时间食用,封好存于0-8℃雪柜最佳 Store in cool and dry place, suggested to sealed and chilled at 0-8℃
日本北海道干贝,色泽呈金黄色,形状为扁圆柱体,体积较大,表面干爽,质量最优,味道特别香甜浓郁。Hokkaido dried scallop is the best in quality with strong aroma and in golden and shinny color. Fresh and sweet in taste, no stiff tissues, round shape and firm.
吃干贝即健康又好吃 │Great taste!Great for you!
干贝是高蛋白质低脂肪健康食品。干贝含有丰富的甘氨酸、丙氨酸、谷氨酸等成分。干贝是把新鲜贝肉用盐水煮熟后再用太阳光晒干而提练出来的。干贝是对我们身体有好处的健康食品。Scallops are a healthy, high-protein, low-fat food, which contain high levels of glycine, alanine and glutamic acid. The process of boiling in salt water and sun-drying brings out the savory ‘umami’ flavour. You’ll be thankful for the taste, and your body will be thankful for the goodness.
干贝含丰富的营养素“牛黄酸” │Scallops a treasure trove of taurine!
干贝含丰富能有效对抗生活惯病的牛磺酸。 它不仅能有效恢复疲劳和稳定血压,而且还对动脉硬化,预防糖尿病,肝功能,提高免疫力,恢复视力等有一定效能。这是干贝包含着美味以外的秘密。Scallops contain a rich supply of taurine, an organic acid which has been found to fight many lifestyle-related illnesses. Not only has it proven effective in relieving fatigue and regulating blood pressure, but taurine is a ‘wonder-acid’, which helps prevent arteriosclerosis and diabetes, and strengthen liver function, the immune system and eyesight. Not only are scallops delicious, but they pack a secret health punch.
产地│Origin:日本北海道 Japan Hokkaido
粒数│No of pieces:
- 100克21-29粒送红枣50克 │100g 21-29pcs Free Red Date 50g;
- 300克63-87粒送红枣150克│300g 63-87pcs Free Red Date 150g;
- 500克105-145粒送干贝或鲍鱼汁1瓶│500g 105-145pcs Free 1 bottle Scallop/ Abalone Sauce ("S/A Sauce");
储藏方法│Storage:存于通风阴凉处,如需较长时间食用,封好存于0-8℃雪柜最佳 Store in cool and dry place, suggested to sealed and chilled at 0-8℃
日本北海道干贝,色泽呈金黄色,形状为扁圆柱体,体积较大,表面干爽,质量最优,味道特别香甜浓郁。Hokkaido dried scallop is the best in quality with strong aroma and in golden and shinny color. Fresh and sweet in taste, no stiff tissues, round shape and firm.
吃干贝即健康又好吃 │Great taste!Great for you!
干贝是高蛋白质低脂肪健康食品。干贝含有丰富的甘氨酸、丙氨酸、谷氨酸等成分。干贝是把新鲜贝肉用盐水煮熟后再用太阳光晒干而提练出来的。干贝是对我们身体有好处的健康食品。Scallops are a healthy, high-protein, low-fat food, which contain high levels of glycine, alanine and glutamic acid. The process of boiling in salt water and sun-drying brings out the savory ‘umami’ flavour. You’ll be thankful for the taste, and your body will be thankful for the goodness.
干贝含丰富的营养素“牛黄酸” │Scallops a treasure trove of taurine!
干贝含丰富能有效对抗生活惯病的牛磺酸。 它不仅能有效恢复疲劳和稳定血压,而且还对动脉硬化,预防糖尿病,肝功能,提高免疫力,恢复视力等有一定效能。这是干贝包含着美味以外的秘密。Scallops contain a rich supply of taurine, an organic acid which has been found to fight many lifestyle-related illnesses. Not only has it proven effective in relieving fatigue and regulating blood pressure, but taurine is a ‘wonder-acid’, which helps prevent arteriosclerosis and diabetes, and strengthen liver function, the immune system and eyesight. Not only are scallops delicious, but they pack a secret health punch.
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